Utah artist Fred Conlon - the mastermind behind Sugarpost - creates funky, humorous metal sculptures. Most of his creations are made from recycled and reclaimed materials that are designed to rust and look better with age. Finally rid your garden of those pesky garden gnomes and lawn flamingos with any of Sugar Post's, "Gnome Be Gones!"

Deep in the Pennsylvania woods by the Maiden Creek live Jonathan and Julia Simons. Dedicated to sustainable forestry, they use reclaimed cherry wood to create beautiful spoons and other utensils with their signature graphic cut out designs- many featuring the moon and stars.

Mikutowski Woodworking
Mike Mikutowski began making jewelry boxes in 1986. He and his wife Liz have a woodworking studio in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Beautifully detailed, his boxes feature inlays and delicate laser quotations. Each box comes with information describing the type of wood used in that box. No stains are used – Mike prefers to let the natural grain be the focal point of each box.

In 1991, Rich Kolb and his Dad created the first Yardbird in Rich's metal shop in Kentucky. They loved tinkering and creating with scrap metal, and people loved the critters they created! Today they make dogs, cats, pelicans, crabs, horses, T-rexes & more -- all inspired by a particular scrap of metal.

Exotic Sands
Utah artisan Bill Tabar and his family create "Exotic Sand" sculptures using black sands from Africa, white sands from New Mexico, green sands from South America, and pink sands from Utah. Each turn of the picture creates a new image as unique as a snowflake.